Bergama Madencilik Insaat Makine Perlit Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. was established in 2004 and located in İzmir – Bergama. The facility built on an area of 34.000 m2 with a closed area of 10.000 m2,has an annual perlite processing capacity of 120.000 tons.
Bergama Madencilik continuously carries out its R&D activities in order to turn perlite into an industrial mineral with very high added value by processing it with various modern processes.
Bergama Madencilik owns a total of 7 perlite mines with operating licenses in Turkey.These mines located in İzmir, Manisa, Çanakkale and Ankara. The total area is approximately 5300 hectares.
Bergama Madencilik Perlite manages its mines with selected mining and open pit methods to minimize ryhyolite or obsidane incorporation.